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StartSmart It's Fun to Share 第33頁

Live: DIY! Mixed Fruit Salad

Objective: Children try different fruit, explore their colours, textures and tastes, and thus understand the benefits of eating fruit.

Time: 40 minutes

Materials: Fresh fruits, dining utensils and table cloth.


Let’s GO!

  1. Reminder in advance: Parents should prepare a piece of fruit for their children to bring to school.

  2. Induce motivation: The teacher asks the children the names of the fruits which they have brought.

  3. Activity time:

    1. Ask the children to explore and tell the characteristics of different fruits using different senses, like sight, smell and touch.

    2. Ask them to share their understanding of fruits in terms of colour, texture and appearance (e.g. whether it is spherical, curved or spiky) as well as their experience in eating fruit; for example, some may say that the seeds of apples are too hard to be chewed or swallowed.

    3. Explain that fruit, which can be eaten raw, is convenient. Ask the children: what else can we do with fruit apart from eating it right away? Can we make other snacks with it?

    4. Wash and peel the fruits. Instruct the children to cube the fruits using plastic knives. Then mix the fruit cubes into a mixed fruit salad.

    5. Invite the children to try the salad and share how they feel when they eat fruit.

  4. Dissemination of message: Explains that fruit is the healthiest snack which quenches our thirst, provides us with vitamins and helps prevent diseases. Then encourage children to eat fruit every day.


Train the Kids Further

  1. Better initiatives: Some kids will ask for more fruit after they havefinished their usual portion. This reflects that theycan practise what they have learnt in the project.


  2. Growth development: The project promotes all-round development for children. They learn the colours of different fruits and sort them into corresponding baskets. As in the physical aspect, their motor coordination is being trained as they are asked to crawl across the soft mattresses. Also, the activity is conducted in the ‘team-work’ format, which encourages children to cooperate with each other and obey rules.


  3. Food preparation: The class cut the fruits and make the mixed fruit salad together. Colourful deliverable gives children a lot of good fun.


Stage 3: Sharing Platform


Ms Cheng Yuet Far , Headmistress

  • The project raises our concern for our pupils’ daily diet and amount of physical exercise. Therefore, we merge the related topic into our daily curriculum so that children can learn from playing games. During lunch- and fruit-time, we supply different kinds of fruits to the pupils so as to improve their eating habit.

  • We also give health messages to the parents after school and on Parents’ Days. Periodicals and information from the Department of Health also facilitate our communication and cooperation with parents.




The activities teach children that fruit eating and regular exercise contribute to health. Besides, the school issues publications and newsletters to parents so that they know more about the topic and step up collaboration with the school. The school also invites parents to prepare fruit, instead of unhealthy snacks, for their children; this is how we help them practise healthy lifestyle and how we prevent the presence of bad examples in school.


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