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StartSmart It's Fun to Share 第27頁

Creative Teaching Activity for Energetic Kids

  1. Reinforce knowledge:

    In the game ‘Joyful Moving Fruit’, children show active participation and they learn more about fruit, such as the names, colours and shapes of different fruits.


  2. Learn the structure of human body:

    Children gain a substantial understanding of digestion and are briefly introduced to the digestive system (which includes the oesophagus, small intestine, and the large intestine). They also learn that fruit eases bowel movement and aids digestion.


  3. Observe the structure of fruit:

    The school encourages children to eat fruit after physical activity. Children will then learn that fruits are rich in water and that they quench their thirst.


  4. Raise the level of difficulty of activity:

    Children in senior classes can be challenged with advanced physical movements such as bouncing and shooting balls. In a nutshell, physical exercise should be designed to enhance their physical ability, with special consideration for the participants’ age.


  5. Facilitate muscle development:

    The physical ability of children can be raised by activities involving major muscles such as running, jumping and climbing. Exercise should be designed according to their age and the needs of their physical development. As such, the balanced beam, the caterpillar tunnel and road cones are recommended for frequent usage to train and develop children’s physical fitness.


Stage 3: Sharing Platform


Ms. Kwok Chor Kiu , Headmistress


  • I think the Pilot Project was meaningful. I am most impressed by the fact that the parents did actively participate in the project. Nowadays there are often one to two kids in most families. Parents want to find out from the project how children learn at school. They want their kids to devote themselves to school life.

  • Fruit is beneficial to our health; therefore, should be promoted among children. Those in the whole-day classes eat fruit after lunch every day. Some mothers used to say that their kids only ate a particular kind of food, yet every since the conclusion of the project all children in whole-day classes have been eating fruit and other types of food.

  • Children tell us that they like eating fruit. They eat not only a single fruit but also dare to try new ones. They even say that fruit is delicious. When we ask them what the benefits of eating fruit are, they reply without hesitation. That is the most pleasing outcome.


Parent Blog


Mrs. To:

  • My kid was so happy when he found that I took part in preparing the fruit refreshments, which was one of the duties of a parent volunteer.

  • I signed up for some parent-child activities and made fruit packs with my kid. By the end of the activity we were rewarded by enormous satisfaction and a great sense of accomplishment.

  • It will mean a lot more if the parents can attend school activities too. I think this is worth promoting as more people would understand that fruit is much more healthy than processed food and sugary items.


Mrs. Ho:

  • I think the Pilot Project was awesome. It enabled parent-child interaction. Parents gained closer ties with the school. In a certain activity, I took my kid to the market, chose fruit together and designed our recipe. I even showed which had to be peeled before eaten. I also taught him how to cut fruit. I encouraged him to participate in the cooking process, provided it was done so in a safe environment. After we completed our ‘masterwork’, he was greatly satisfied and found the outcome typically mouth-watering. This activity was great fun.

  • I am glad to spread health messages to other parents. This project should go on. It encourages children to eat healthily and improve parent-child bonding.


Mrs. She:

  • My kid disliked to eat fruit before. After the activity, they eat fruit more often now.

  • Pilot Project was about health. It gave us physical benefits. I hope it can go on.




Ever since the end of the Pilot Project, the school has worked in closer ties with parents to improve children’s health. The school realised creativity learning and provided more physical activity. Parents were also invited to join the activities. As in the family aspect, parents were eager to impart health messages in their children in daily life. With the help of parent-school collaboration, children were able to manage health information and practised what they had learnt. A delightful outcome was seen from the project.


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