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StartSmart It's Fun to Share 第29頁

Seven Learning Outcomes

  1. Early arithmetic development:

    Children learnt the names and characteristics of fruits. They learnt to identify the basic colours, and they develop arithmetic ability.


  2. Science and technology:

    Children had the chance to explore shapes (such as long shape and circles) when groping for the fruits.


  3. Physical fitness:

    Actions such as running and jumping tested children’s agility and stamina. They learnt to stride, leap and run.


  4. Discipline training:

    Children had to queue up and cooperate with each other in the activities. They also learnt to obey the teacher’s instructions.


  5. Going green:

    In the shopping game, children needed to prepare an eco shopping bag themselves. It fostered their environmental protection awareness.


  6. Sharing and bonding:

    Children were asked to bring their favourite fruits to school and share with classmates. They learnt to share with others, and they might make fruit-eating a habit.


  7. Changing for the better:

    No more junk food for children at birthday celebrations. Parents prepared healthy snacks instead.


Stage 3: Sharing Platform


Ms. So Shuk Fong , Headmistress

  • When we attended the seminars and workshops in the Pilot Project, I found that it was an awesome idea to include health-related topics in the curriculum. Therefore, we began with the most popular activity at school – birthday party. A healthy birthday party was then initiated. At these parties we educated children on what kind of food was good for their health and what should be avoided.

  • In the midst of the project, we foresaw certain difficulties. The menu was modified several times. Fortunately we had the support from a lot of parents. Both children and teachers were benefited.

  • When an activity was being organised, we informed parents in detail by both email and printed notice so that they could be updated all the time. Regular communication enables cooperation between parents and us.

  • The Pilot Project will definitely go on. Health messages have been conveyed to parents during celebrations and parent-child interactive activities. We encourage parents to engage in sports with children and maintain a balanced diet in daily life.


Ms. Kong Lai Fong , Teacher


  • We put emphasis on balanced nutrition when designing children’s diet. We used to have eggs, meat and vegetables only in the meal; now we refer to suggestions from the project, use menus of a more diversified nature, and do less meat. Children eat smarter and healthier.

  • We have introduced new ingredients such as red beans (in soup), pumpkins and cabbage. Children like them very much.

  • Some parents appreciate the new and diversified menus. They never expected their children to be so willing to eat something which they used to resist. Parents also cook new dishes for children to explore.




Only by collaborating with the school can parents improve children’s health. They greatly support the project and hope it can revive to promote a better living style.



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