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StartSmart It's Fun to Share 第22頁

4 Ways to Encourage Children to Eat Vegetables

  1. Stimulate curiosity:

    In the activity, children eagerly share the vegetables they have brought to school. They can even tell the colours and shapes of the vegetables. They are very enthusiastic in the preparation and cooking process.


  2. Stimulate taste buds:

    The cooking lesson encourages children to eat different vegetables. They learn that dietary fibre facilitates digestion and that it is good for health.


  3. Prolong memory:

    Through painting, children become more familiarised with the types, colours and shapes of vegetables.


  4. Teach-and-play:

    In-class physical games incorporating messages about vegetable intake not only increase children’s activity level but also enhance their motivation of learning.


Stage 3: Sharing Platform


Ms. Yip Sau Ying , Headmistress

  • The Pilot Project was meaningful. It enriched children’s understanding of food and nutrition.

  • Children like sugary and greasy food such as candies and potato chips, yet over-consumption would affect their growth. We should encourage them to eat vegetables and fruits, which contain more nutrients. With teachers’ instruction on top of this fundamental idea, pupils would make healthy food choice at home, at school or in restaurants.

  • We invited the parents to join our activities and prepare vegetables and fruits for their children to bring to school.

  • Some parents wanted to know more about the activity of ‘cooking vegetable soup’. To raise their awareness on health issues, our teachers explained the vegetables to be used and their nutritional composition.

  • The activity was a great success. Children learnt how to wash and cut the vegetables by themselves. The next day, the pupils were invited to share what they had eaten in the activity. This was to consolidate what they had learnt.




Children learnt the benefits of eating vegetables and drew their favourites in class. They found out more about the vegetables, including their appearances and internal structures. Throughout the project, the school helped spread the messages about the health benefits of vegetable intake such as easing constipation, improving immunity and preventing diseases.


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