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StartSmart It's Fun to Share - Drink More Water 第67頁

Drink More Water


StartSmart Pilot School : STFA Tuen Mun Leung Lee Sau Yu Kindergarten


《Family Fun with Water》
Water is the best thirst quencher


Stage 1: Introduction


Children are energetic. Some parents may buy their kids sports drinks to help them replenish electrolyte and water. The truth is, most sports drinks contain sugar and even caffeine. Replacing water with sports drinks will only supply children with excess sugar and calories. They may also get addicted to sugary food and beverages as time goes by. In addition, caffeine will even affect their quality of sleep. Therefore, children should drink water, which is the most proper and convenient choice, during and between meals.


Believing that a good habit stems from childhood, the school organised health-promotion classes and physical games including puppet drama shows and obstacle games, all based on the theme of ‘drink more water’. Children acquired solid knowledge of the benefits of drinking water while they had fun. Moreover, athletic meets, healthy birthday parties and the Joyful Fruit Day were organised to encourage children and their parents to practise what they had learnt. They exercised and sweated together, and then drank water afterwards. Only by collaboration between schools and families can a healthy lifestyle be successfully built.


Stage 2: Start Smart!


Live: The Story of a Thirsty Puppet

Objective: To help children understand that our body needs water, i.e. 6-8 cups of fluid each day. Water is the best option.

Time: 1.5 hour in total (The Story of a Thirsty Puppet and the Aqua Obstacle Course)

Materials: Puppets, a computer, worksheets, and containers of different sizes.


Let’s GO!

  1. The teacher introduces the puppet to stimulate the learning motive. Ask children to suggest how to quench the thirst of the puppets.

  2. The teacher shows pictures of different beverages. He/she invites children to pick their favourite one and explain the choice.

  3. Play the video ‘Discovering Beverages’. Discuss with children which kind of drinks is the best and why. Tell them that water can quench thirst and will not lead to obesity or tooth decay.

  4. Children guess how many glasses of water we need every day. The teacher pours water into different containers to show the size of each glass. Then children are asked to look for the answer in the video “8 Glasses Every Day”.


Live: Aqua Obstacle Course

Objective: To conduct major muscle activity for children; and to brief them on the benefits of drinking water.

Time: 1.5 hour in total (The Story of a Thirsty Puppet and the Aqua Obstacle Course)

Materials: A plastic box (as the chest), hula hoops and 8 bottles of water.


Let’s GO!


  1. Divide the class into 3 groups.

  2. Children hop and jump over the hula hoops one by one, and then run to the chest and look for the 8 bottles of water. They put them on the stage. The fastest group win.

  3. Drink water together after the game.


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